Saturday, February 22, 2020
12:00-4:30pm (details below)
Pearl Studio, 519 8th ave
12th Floor, Studio F
Let’s start with the single most requested workshop topic: Authentic Jazz. This workshop will aims to teach the fundamental vocabulary that defines the dance.
Join us for the first half of the day where we’ll address the fundamental steps of early jazz dance – Charleston, Apple Jacks, Susie Q, Shorty George and more. The second half of the day will explore personalization of steps, unique rhythms and a a choreography to bring things together.
RSVP on Facebook here
12:00 PM – 1:00PM
Charleston every which way
1:00 – 2:00PM
The vocabulary of authentic jazz
> Break! <
2:30 – 3:30PM
Unique rhythms and break steps
3:30 – 4:30PM
Authentic jazz choreography
Pricing & Registration
Full Day (4 hours): $45 or 4 class punches
Half Day (2 hours): $25 or 2 class punches
Single 1 hour workshop: $15 or 1 class punch
Pre-register Online (links below)
Full Day Workshop (4 hrs)
Half Day Workshop (2 hrs)
Single 1 hour Workshop
Pre-register with a Class Card
If you’d like to use your class card to pre-register, you must present your class card in person at Nathan & Gaby’s weekly class on Tuesday evenings. (Note: you do not need to attend the Tuesday evening class).